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Licensing or Sharing works found on Common Core Connect


Organizations, institutions and individuals have permission to link directly to Common Core Connect's constituent website pages, for the sole purpose of providing non-compensated helpful information on Common Core to others.

All works on Common Core Connect that are indicated as having been created by Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, with additional provisions* (unless stated otherwise on the document).  

You are free to copy and redistribute our created materials in any medium or format.  You must provide us appropriate credit, providing a link back to our site, and indicating whether or not you made changes to our material*. You may provide us credit in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that we explicitly or implicitly endorse either you or your use of our materials (unless previously agreed upon in writing).

You may not use our created materials for commercial purposes, without express written consent of Tulare County Office of Education.

See additional licensing provisions* below with regard to remixing, tweaking or building upon our created materials.

To view a copy of the basic Creative Commons license and to understand our license in greater detail, please visit  

*Additional Licensing Provisions:  You may remix, edit, and build upon TCOE-created works, as long as you credit Tulare County Office of Education for the original creation.  You may not share or relicense the remixed, tweaked, or built-upon work with others except as mutually agreed upon in writing.

Email Samantha Tate at or call her at (559) 651-3831 for licensing and sharing clarification, and to obtain written permission to remix, edit, build upon or reshare works created by our team.

Items found on Common Core Connect that were created and provided by sources other than Tulare County Office of Education are licensed in accordance with agreements as set forth by those providers.